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Sock Drawer

I am proud of my drawer of neatly rolled and organised socks. It is the result of frustration at not quite being able to fit them all in, now that we have caught up on laundry. It is also the result of having a little bit more energy. In the early days of my illness the idea of expending energy on organising socks would have been ridiculous. It was all I could do to eat, keep clean, and rest well. I didn’t care or notice what was beyond my immediate needs – a pair of socks was there for me to wear, that was enough. A few weeks later and organising the socks became my first task beyond the essentials. It was an investment in the future – if my socks were better organised, I would find it easier to put them away and to find a pair to put on in preparation for doing whatever it was I would some day be able to do. As I pulled out the drawer to start the organisation I understood why I’d had a problem – there was too great a volume of socks to fit in the volume of drawer. I needed to downsi

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